Sitemap - 2022 - All This Life Here

Marsh's "Man and Nature" is a trip.

Why 2030 Matters So Much for the USA

A Night at the Garden by Marshall Curry

George P. Marsh: No Progress on the Environment

Growing up, sideways, outward, and inward.

What Robert Reich gets wrong about Trump, Elon, and Narcissism.

Teleologies: Very Good Goals

Voters Literally Dying, The Conservative Dilemma, and the 2022 Midterms

Mythologies: Very Good Takes

The only bipartisan issue remaining is leaf removal, which is stupid.

Five brands of Conservatism and their environmental promise

Libertarianism, Traditionalism, Environmentalism, & Ecologism

Kanye, Capitalism, and Antisemitism

the internet is made from rocks

Why do White Nationalists care whether CO2 is a pollutant or not?

Reviewing “Liberals of Reddit, what is your most conservative opinion?”

Should more people read Judith Jarvis Thomson's A Defense of Abortion?

Human Lifetime and Natural History


Neil Robert Berro on New Haven Oyster History

Time, Space, and Science

Humanism and Naturalism?


What politics flows from the dissolution of the nature-culture distinction?


Trump, Kanye, Elon, and the Ideology of Producerism

"What It’s Like to Speak Up for the Environment in Front of Oil Executives"

culture like bacteria

i started a new faith

oh, i can't wait

Lauren Sadowski: Some Heady Thoughts on the Politics of Grizzly Bear Management

Godwin's Law and The Environment

its okay, its okay

The most sacred thing

A Journey to a Staples in Western, NY

There's water in everything you drink

Climate Change and Progressive Metaphysics

Some kind of Americana, or How to watch the College Football National Championship